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Discover what works for you

Something we feel pretty strongly about is that we’re all so unique! Beneath the surface of our basic mechanics, the differences are amazing: physically, mentally, hormonally, emotionally, spiritually and more. In this post, we hope to help you find your uniqueness and start to discover what really works for you…

So, why do so many of us constantly try to squeeze into boxes that we were clearly never designed to fit into in the first place? Anything from the way we live our lives, the food we eat and the decisions we make on a day to day basis. We think this may be down to a few different reasons:

Fear of being the odd one out? What is best for them is not necessarily best for you.

Lack of knowledge? Do your own research to gain confidence in your chosen approach.

Missing the bigger picture? Remember that the only person you have the full picture on is YOU.

Clutching at straws? Don’t give up! Remember it all takes time – be kind to yourself.

If these reasons resonate with you, perhaps we can help you to focus back in on your uniqueness and start to

Listen to you

Often, we don’t know where to start with various goals in life. Although it’s not necessarily the answer you want to hear, one of the best ways to see what works for you is trial and error. The key is to give new methods time to take effect. Analyse yourself, listen to your body and emotions and most importantly: record it. Think about what changes you want to achieve and record even the slightest changes. This can be applied to any goals in life from personal goals such as losing weight, to finding the perfect career path. When faced with a goal, start with what you know you enjoy.

We’ve made changes to build more exercise into our daily routines. One thing we’ve both tried (and ditched) is running. When you go on a run, hate every second, only to get home to what may quite possibly be a cardiac arrest at the age of 26 – perhaps this isn’t actually for you! We definitely learned this one the hard way. So you could now either give up: exercise clearly isn’t for you. Or, you could realise that it’s just this specific type of exercise that’s not for you and there’s a plethora of choice out there, so go and find the one that you love. We’re encouraging option B!

When you realise that your body is your perfect barometer, you’ll be able to hear the signs it’s screaming out to you.

Remember: changing does not equal failure

Let’s take an example: you have tried Epsom salt baths before bed for a few weeks, to help relax and encourage a deeper, longer sleep. However, you have not enjoyed the baths, you’ve found it stressful to fit it into your routine and have actually ended up sleeping less as a result! So, that’s great – you’ve tried something new, analysed the new habit and your body’s reaction, you’ve realised that your unique body does not respond well to this method and you move on! Don’t feel that because it works for others, you are a failure for not making it work. For you, it doesn’t work so change it up. This does not mean you have failed nor that you have no willpower! It just means that right now, this doesn’t work for you.

Prioritise yourself

How often do you really put yourself first? We know we are guilty of this a LOT! Many things are prioritised, pushing you further and further down your list. Time is often our least available commodity, which leads us to rush, or skip completely, the sacred time we’ve put aside for ourselves.

So, what is the reason you put other elements before yourself? Put simply, at the moment of decision, you decide they are more important than you. We ask you to reflect on this next time a decision is made:

Can you put you first?

Can you see yourself and your goals as being just as important as that deadline for your boss?

Can you see yourself and your goals as being more important than that deadline for your boss?

The obstacle for many of us is learning to value ourselves enough to answer ‘yes’ to these questions. Perhaps designate just 15 minutes a day where you will do something for yourself, and this time is not allowed to be reassigned to anything or anyone else. For now, it will be a great start for you to even stop and ask yourself those questions.

The main point we urge you to take on is to really get to know yourself. Try to bypass the worry or lack of knowledge, and realise that the only person you have the full picture on is you. Listen to your body and finally, learn to prioritise, value and appreciate yourself. We hope and believe that this will start you on a more forgiving path of finding what really works for you.

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